Laser. Interference Live


Lux Aeterna Laser Theatre live one-hour full-dome planetarium plays


Planetariums Worlwide market: in the majority of panetariums, modern sciene centers in the evening there is a lack of original content, not tied to the knowledge of the local language, with high artistic level.

5 to 70 minutes full dome planetarium laser-interference shows. Planetarium diameters: 6 to 37 m. Distribution, inquiries:

Light and Laser and Sound Orchestra

Flexible Mirror Light Artist Taras Vorotniak

Starry Sky Pow-Wow Planetarium Technician

Laser Diffraction Artist Attila Kurucz

Laser Interference Artist Nikolay Matveyev

Knitting Coherent Bundles Engineer Adam Kurucz

Laser Engines Stoker Ihor Skalskiy

Light and Laser Orchestra Conductor Daniel A. Freedman

Lux Aeterna Theatre Productions since 2002. Full-Dome-Laser-Interference-Plays